New Beginnings Workshop Available on YouTube

For churches and pastors beginning a new appointment
Screenshot from video: Slide with image of long road heading into a sunrise with "New Beginnings" title on screen and Carl Ellis in inset image in upper right corner.

The Academy for Small Membership Church Ministries

The Academy for Small Membership Church Ministries has a step-by-step video to help your church build a strong foundation as you begin your work with a new pastor.

This program is not a quick fix or a magic wand that will grow your church overnight.

The New Beginnings video is designed to help incoming pastors and receiving congregations with the following four strategies and outcomes that will help the church thrive over time.

Strategy/Outcome 1: We help the pastor and congregation understand the importance of praying for each other and their community, worshiping and focusing on God’s call, and studying and growing as disciples.

Strategy/Outcome 2: We will help the pastor and congregation understand the importance of becoming a family of God through group activities that build lasting relationships.

Strategy/Outcomes 3: We will help the pastor and congregation understand the context and people they want to reach by examining strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats in the church and community.

Strategy/Outcome 4: We will help the pastor and congregation develop a vision, mission, and goals that will guide their work together and help the church to thrive.

We invite you to watch the video (below) and then:

  1. Use the video with your church.
  2. Talk with your church's leadership and choose what fits best in your church setting.
  3. Contact us if you would like to have this workshop presented in person at the conference, district, or local church level.