Believing Jesus Abides in Us

White apricot tree blossoms on a small branch.

Photo by Julia Filirovska / Pexels

In John 15:4, Jesus says, “Abide in me as I abide in you.” Jesus did not say “I will only abide in you if you abide in me.” Jesus has faith in us. This passage is one example of why United Methodists believe in Prevenient Grace. We believe Jesus is working and living in our lives even before we know Jesus is there. Jesus does not give up on us or any human being.

Many years ago, I met Margaret Wilson, who had the faith of Jesus in her backyard garden and the children in her kindergarten class.

Margaret loved apricots so much that she planted an apricot tree in her backyard. Unfortunately, the tree never produced a single apricot because the frost would come at the wrong time, or the raccoons would strip the tree clean while the apricots were still ripening.

However, Margaret never gave up on the apricot tree because she had high hopes that one day, there would be enough apricots to last her through the winter. When I moved to another church, she was still waiting and hoping for the bumper apricot crop. She had faith and never gave up on her apricot tree.

Margaret taught kindergarten for years. Because her teaching career spanned two and sometimes three generations, she knew many of the families in her town: the children, parents, and grandparents. Not only did she know most of the people in her town, but she could tell you something good about each person.

Just as Margaret never lost faith in the apricot tree, she never lost faith in the children she taught. She was not naïve and knew people make mistakes. However, she could see God's goodness in each of their lives. Like Jesus, she never gave up on her students.

I suggest Margaret is an example of Prevenient Grace. She believed Jesus abided in her life and could see Jesus working in each person she met. When kindergarteners came into her class, she could see Jesus in each of their lives.

She had undying faith that the apricot tree would one day produce apricots and the undying faith that God's love was with her students.

Because of her faith. she was able to help each student know they were unique to God and had something to offer the world.

Were her students perfect? Absolutely not. But she had faith in them, that they were growing and maturing and would be more like Jesus one day.

When I struggle with my brothers and sisters and am unable to see Jesus in their lives, I remember the lesson Margaret taught me. I remember how she abided in Jesus and was able to help others to see God in themselves.

Let us abide in Jesus and have Jesus' eyes when we see others. May we never lose faith in our brothers and sisters, friends, and neighbors so that we may all be bearers of good fruit and help others grow in God's love and grace.