Workshop Payment Options
Thank you for your workshop registration! A copy of the information you submitted will be emailed to you and to The Academy for Small Membership Church Ministries' office.
To complete the process, please submit your payment.
Workshop fees are $5 per person or $20/church for 4 or more persons from the same church.
To pay online
- Select your type of registration (individual or church) below.
- Click on the "Pay Now" button to proceed to The Academy's PayPal payment page. PayPal requires you to log in or provide your email address.
- You do not need a PayPal account. If you have used PayPal in the past and don't want to log in, be sure to clear your browser's cache and cookies before proceeding.
To pay by check
- Make checks payable to TASMCM.
- Please include the name of the workshop on the memo line of your check.
- Print your confirmation email and send it with your check to:
The Academy for Small Membership Church Ministries
590 120th Street
Fort Scott, KS 66701